Advanced Microbial Technology At Tea Plantations


May 30, 2020

Case Studies, Government Projects

Introducing Advanced Microbial Technology At Tea Plantations


Tea Plantations is the emergent entity from divestment of the plantation business in India.

This firm is managed by multiple stakeholders. Deeply committed to tea, this Tea Plantation has emerged as the second-largest tea producer in India.

Its tea range includes CTC, orthodox, green, and organic varieties.

The Tea Plantations’ activities will also include pisciculture, floriculture, fruits & vegetables, various horticultural crops, seeds, and medicinal/aromatic plants.

Based on the site visit conducted, we analyzed the existing toilets and found out the difficulties faced by the people with bio-toilets.

Observations encountered after the Site Visit: INITIAL STAGE

  • The bioagent used earlier in the biodigester tank was not effective in degrading the fecal sludge in the tank, thereby causing extreme foul odor, choking pipelines, and backflow of sewage from the toilet seat.
  • Installation of the biodigester and the pipeline given earlier was not on the proper slope, and the PVC pipe used for the outlet was longer than the requirement.
  • Due to a lack of water pressure, the sludge remains in the pipeline, because of which there is no outflow of wastewater from the outlet.

The outcome of the meeting was to conduct a pilot trial at 2 locations where the bio-toilets were not functioning

Sr. No. Location Total No. of Users Volume of the Tank
1 Site 1 5 Approx 500 lit
2 Site 1 5 Approx 500 lit


Main Issues Encountered:

  • The people were not able to use the Bio toilet due to excessive sludge deposition, choking, and no degradation of fecal waste, because of which there is sewage overflow from the toilet seat.
  • Foul smell emission from the toilet seat.

Product Range:

Bioclean BD Pouch Packaging

Bioclean BD – Robust Microbial Culture for improving sanitation

  • It is a consortium of beneficial microbes which are natural and safe.
  • Facilitate complete degradation of organic matter.
  • Bacteria in Bioclean BD have a shelf life of two years.

Organica’s Approach:

  1. 1 kg of Bioclean BD mixed with 5 liter of water was added into the toilet seat at both the locations, i.e., Site 1 and Site 2.
  2. 100 gm of Bioclean BD mixed with 500 ml of water was added into the toilet seat after 15 days.

Result/Feedback: (As per the Email given by the concerned authority)

  • At Site 1, where the Bio Toilet is functioning, and the bacterial agent has been added for further improvement is functioning better now with no foul odor and clogging.
  • At Site 2, where the Bio Toilet was not in use and the bacterial agent had been applied, it has become functional, and it is working without any foul smell and clogging.