Septic tank maintenance is crucial for the efficient management of wastewater. When neglected, septic tanks can become health hazards, leading to unpleasant living conditions. Conventional methods like frequent pump-outs and caustic chemicals often fall short, causing damage and reacting to the problem rather than preventing it.
At Organica Biotech, we understand the importance of effective septic tank maintenance. Our solution is designed to revolutionize the way you care for your septic system.
We have multiple products to meet the different sanitation needs of households and commercial establishments. These products harness the power of scientifically selected, enzyme-producing beneficial bacteria capable of completely degrading fecal matter. These enzymes not only break down organic buildup within drainpipes, gravel leach pits, and porous stone walls but also prevent overflow and backflow issues.
When it comes to maintaining septic tanks, the versatility of our products knows no bounds. Our products are designed to address a wide array of issues. These products offer highly effective solutions to common problems such as overflows, clogs, and unpleasant odors. Here's how our products can benefit your specific application.
So, choose the right Bioclean product based on your specific application and experience the benefits of efficient wastewater management. Our products are designed to make your life easier and your environment cleaner.
As a testament to our commitment, Organica Biotech has established a global presence. We've diligently built a network of distributors and partners across more than 50 countries, ensuring that our revolutionary septic tank maintenance solution reaches those who need it most.
The septic tank contains a diverse group of naturally occurring microbes that originate from organic waste, i.e., feces and kitchen waste. The microorganisms in the septic tank act as septic tank cleaners that consume organic material as their food source.
Diverse microbial groups utilize different nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and lipids from the waste, thereby causing rapid degradation of the waste.
They grow and reproduce using nutrients from this organic waste, and in this process, microbes reduce the volume of sludge present inside the septic tank.
Microbes are key catalysts that function as biological septic tank cleaners for efficient solid waste management in sanitation, particularly septic tanks.
The microorganisms required for degrading kitchen waste and fecal waste are different because of the difference in composition of both waste materials.
The kitchen waste consists of uncooked and leftover food containing fatty products, proteinaceous material, and dairy products detergents, whereas fecal sludge includes urine and feces that contains excreted from humans.
The nutrient composition of the kitchen and fecal waste is different. Hence, the degradation of food and human waste requires a different set of specific septic tank cleaner microbes that can perform rapid and efficient waste degradation.
A healthy septic tank microflora encourages efficient solid waste management and discourages illegal practices such as manual scavenging for cleaning septic tanks.
Manual scavenging of sewers and septic tanks is not only illegal, but it is also inhuman. The septic tank has a high amount of various gases carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, methane, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
Most of these gases are toxic and can be poisonous even in small concentrations and lead to unconsciousness and irritation of the eyes, throat, and organ damage upon exposure.
The inhalation of high doses of such gases for a longer duration can even be fatal. If a septic tank is maintained well, there is absolutely no requirement for manual scavenging as a septic tank cleaner strategy.
In the event of a breakdown, the employment of automated suctioning of the waste is advisable. Employment of effective and safe solid waste management strategies can help discourage the social evil of manual scavenging.
When septic tanks are kept ill-maintained, they become a haven for disease-causing microbes, insects, and other pests. Incompletely digested waste can cause unsafe sewage from the tank to percolate into groundwater, thus contaminating it.
Drinking this groundwater from wells or other sources can cause people to fall very ill. Also, insects breeding in such septic tanks can be carriers of disease in surrounding neighborhoods.
Emission and accumulation of flammable gases in a poorly built and functioning septic tank could potentially cause explosions if left unchecked.
This is why efficient solid waste management strategies using safe and potent septic tank cleaner microbes must be employed to ensure that septic tanks do not turn into public health and safety risks.
The bacteria and enzymes in a septic tank maximize the degradation of fecal sludge, thereby reducing the odour and clogging issues which helps boost your septic tank cleaning. Organica Biotech’s Bioclean Septic tank cleaner breaks down the waste and liquefies the sludge build up in the septic tanks.
The common symptoms of septic tank failure are: - Foul odour in and around the septic tanks and toilets - Overflowing from manholes or areas around septic tanks - Backflows in your toilets
Bioclean Septic is a natural septic tank cleaning containing a consortium of bacteria that helps in fecal sludge management for septic tanks. It degrades the fecal matter and helps in septic tank treatment, thereby reducing overflow and backflow issues.
The septic tank cleaner Bioclean Septic is a formulation that degrades fecal matter and is effective in septic tank cleaning. While Bioclean Septic Plus contains 5X power microbes that can degrade fecal matter and food waste. One of our clients, Pali Resort and Club, has been using Bioclean Septic Plus with excellent results.
Septic tank cleaners contain a consortium of septic tank enzymes. The use of chemical-based cleaners impacts the microflora in septic tanks, thereby leading to ineffective septic tank cleaning. Regular addition of septic tank enzymes helps recharge the tank with essential microbes that maintain a healthy septic tank.
Monthly usage of our septic cleaner restores the balance of bacteria in the septic tank, enhances the sludge degradation process, and keeps septic tanks clean & odour free. - For a regular septic tank cleaning, dose your septic tank every month with a 250 gm packet for up to 5000 litres of the septic tank. - For severe problems of fecal sludge management, use the below dosage details for up to 5000 litres of septic tank: i) 1st month – Start by using 4 packets of Bioclean Septic 250 grams. ii) 2nd month: Add 2 packets of Bioclean Septic 250 grams. iii) 3rd month onwards – Use 1 packet of Bioclean Septic 250 grams every month.
In winter, septic tanks fail since microbes tend to become dormant. The consortium of microbes in Bioclean Septic and Bioclean Septic Plus ensures performance even in cold climatic conditions.
The septic tank cleaner contains a consortium of highly enzymatic bacteria that can rapidly break down the sludge from the septic tank and use it as its food source. In this treatment process, the microbes liquefy the sludge, reducing the necessity of frequent sludge pumps outs sludge and ensuring efficient fecal sludge management in a cost-effective manner.
The septic cleaner Bioclean Septic contains a consortium of fast-growing bacteria that compete with the pathogens for the available food and space. The presence of septic-friendly microbes in Bioclean Septic, therefore, discourages the growth of pathogens in a septic tank
Accumulation of oil and grease in the drainage pipes is a major cause of concern because it leads to blockages. Bioclean Septic Plus contains effective microbes that produce septic tank enzymes with a fat-busting ability that helps in clearing the layer of oil and grease during septic tank treatment.
Since the septic tank continuously lets out a portion of the septage it contains, some quantity of septic tank enzyme-producing microbes from Bioclean Septic may be flushed out from the tank over a period of time. It is advisable to dose the septic tank cleaner Bioclean Septic at regular intervals to maintain a healthy and sufficient population of enzyme-producing microorganisms, ensuring continuous maintenance of your septic tank.
Excessive water overflowing from the septic tank can stagnate and become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Septic tank sewage is also a breeding ground for germs, which mosquitoes carry into your homes. An efficient septic tank treatment can prevent the hardening of fecal sludge and blockages in the plumbing. This allows the discharge of sewage directly into the drainage systems, thereby maintaining public health safety.
The main cause of foul odour from septic tanks is the release of hydrogen sulfide gas produced by sulfur-reducing bacteria. An uncontrolled population of these bacteria can intensify the ‘rotten egg’ like odour and create unpleasant living conditions. The fast-growing bacteria in our septic tank cleaner, Bioclean Septic, when added for septic tank treatment competes with these unwanted bacteria for food and reduces their population in the tank, thus eliminating foul odour at its source.
Microbes in Bioclean Septic can thrive in a wide range of pH and temperature fluctuations and produce septic tank enzymes necessary to degrade organic waste in the septic tank.
The septic tank cleaner surely helps to reduce the cost of fecal sludge management. The microorganisms present in Bioclean Septic reproduce and produce septic tank enzymes according to the waste material reducing the cost of the regular addition of high dosages of chemicals. Regular addition of microbial septic tank cleaner causes sludge degradation, which prevents the hardening of sludge in the septic tank eliminating the process of pumping out of the sludge.
Improper fecal sludge management can lead to numerous public health hazards. Overflow of excessive water from septic tanks can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Contamination of drinking water lines due to contamination with improperly treated sewage water can lead to high incidences of waterborne diseases. Inefficient management of gas from the tank can lead to disturbing odor in the surrounding or increase the risk of an explosion caused by the accumulation of flammable gases.
In an efficient fecal sludge management system, water from the septic tank post-biological treatment and subsequent disinfection can be reused instead of discharging into municipal sewers. The treated water could be reused for gardening, washing cars, flushing toilets, and replenishing underground water levels. This could reduce the load of municipalities to treat large volumes of water and help in saving our most precious natural resource – water.
Chemical toilet cleaners contain harmful and corrosive ingredients with extreme pH. In order to create a conducive environment for septic tank-friendly microbes to grow, use eco-friendly, nature-powered products to protect your home and your septic tank. Our Thinksafe range of eco-friendly products is just what you need for the job.