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Washroom Odour Control Solutions


Beyond Masking - Tackling Washroom Odours with Tazo

Foul washroom odour is a dreaded, plaguing issue encountered by many commercial establishments. Public restrooms at hotels, malls, restaurants, hospitals, offices etc. face a constant influx of visitors. Frequent usage of urinals lead to deposition of uric acid crystals in the drain pipe leading to release of ammonia gas and therefore persistent odour issues.

Traditional chemical cleaners and air fresheners merely mask unpleasant smells without addressing the cause of the problem. Odour can only be controlled when you treat the problem on its roof.

Tazo Professional’s Odour Control solution is a proprietary formulation highly capable of eliminating tough washroom odours. Our products have a patent pending due to its unique mechanism of action to tackle odour at its source.

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    It prevents a biofilm from being formed with harbours odour causing germs
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    Our enzyme system is designed to absorb and destroy odour-causing molecules in a targeted manner to effectively eliminate odour

Major Sources of Foul Odour


Use our complete Washroom Solution Package to ensure a pleasant, odour-free washroom experience

OB Care Washroom Cle-aner

Bathroom Cleaner

Cleans and eliminates odour across all bathroom surfaces

OB Care Toilet

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Powerful, yet non-corrosive enzymatic formulation

OB Care FlushFree

Urinal System Spray

Takes care of all the fresh urine deposits on the urinal cisterns during usage hours

OB Care Urinal

Urinal Drain Cleaner

Degrades uric acid and organic waste deposits inside the urinal drain pipes

Benefits of our Washroom Odour Control Solutions


Neutral pH


Saves Water


Enzyme Based


Eliminates Odour at Source




Free from Toxic VOCs




Choke-free Drain Line

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