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Cotton Crop


Cotton, a vital agricultural commodity is used in textile and various industries worldwide. Its versatility and strength make it a prized resource, contributing significantly to economies and daily life. However, today, the cotton crop faces several challenges during its cultivation.

Let’s explore how Organica Biotech’s cotton products are engineered to effectively address and mitigate these challenges, empowering farmers to achieve healthier crops and sustainable yields.

Cotton Cultivation Challenges and Our Approach


Water Management

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Cotton requires precise irrigation to avoid water stress or excessive moisture, demanding efficient water management techniques for optimal growth.


Organica’s cotton care products enhance plant water uptake efficiency, reducing irrigation needs and improving drought tolerance.


Pest and Disease Control

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Controlling boll weevils, aphids, and diseases like boll rot is crucial, demanding integrated pest management strategies to minimize chemical use.


Our solutions induce plant resistance, minimizing pest damage and disease outbreaks sustainably.


Soil Fertility

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Maintaining soil's nutrient balance is essential for healthy cotton growth, necessitating proper soil testing and nutrient application methods.


Our solutions improve nutrient availability, soil structure, and microbial activity, promoting nutrient uptake and soil health.


Climate Change

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Shifts in temperature and rainfall patterns challenge cotton production, prompting the adoption of resilient varieties and adaptable farming practices.


Our solutions boost plant resilience against climatic stressors, aiding adaptation to changing conditions and supporting sustainable cotton production.

Our Solutions for Different Stages of Growth

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    MagicGro BeejBal

    Enhances seedling germination capabilities, toughens seedlings by improving root density

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    Leaf Development

    MagicGro Super

    Improves vegetative growth, enhances branching and boosts plant vigour

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    Flower Development

    MagicGro Tridhaatu

    Improves N,P, K utilisation capabilities of the plant

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    Boll Development

    MagicGro Super

    Enhances square formation, improves boll size and prevents it from dropping

Our Solutions for Different Stages of Growth



MagicGro BeejBal

Enhances seedling germination capabilities, toughens seedlings by improving root density


Leaf Development

MagicGro Super

Improves vegetative growth, enhances branching and boosts plant vigour


Flower Development

MagicGro Tridhaatu

Improves N,P, K utilisation capabilities of the plant


Boll Development

MagicGro Super

Enhances square formation, improves boll size and prevents it from dropping

Pest and Disease Management in Cotton with our ActiShield Technology

Trichoderma harzianum

Fusarium wilt, Rhizoctonia root rot, Verticillium wilt, Cotton root rot

Lecanicillium lecanii

Whiteflies and Aphids (insects)

Metarhizium anisopliae

Beetles and Grasshoppers (Insects)

Beauveria bassiana

Beetles and Caterpillars (Insects)

Pseudomonas fluorescens

Root rot diseases, Fusarium wilt, Rhizoctonia root rot, Damping-off diseases

Bacillus subtilis

Bacterial blight, Damping-off diseases, Root rot diseases, Fusarium wilt

Paecilomyces lilacinus

Root knot nematodes, Reniform nematodes, Cyst nematode

Pochonia chlamydosporia

Root knot nematodes, Reniform nematodes

Trichoderma viride

Fusarium wilt, Rhizoctonia root rot, Verticillium wilt, Cotton root rot

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