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Soybean Crop


Soybean, a crucial protein and oil source for both human and animal consumption, face various challenges during cultivation.

Let’s explore how Organica Biotech’s soybean products are engineered to effectively address and mitigate these challenges.

Soybean Cultivation Challenges and Our Approach


Water Management

Challenge -

Erratic rainfall patterns and increasing droughts challenge soybean farmers in maintaining optimal soil moisture, impacting yield and quality.

Approach -

Organica’s Soybean care products enhance soil structure and water retention, reducing water runoff and improving absorption to sustain soybean growth during dry periods.


Pest and Disease Control

Challenge -

Soybeans face threats from aphids, caterpillars, and diseases like soybean rust, demanding sustainable and efficient control measures.

Approach -

Our solutions bolster soybean defenses, minimizing the attack of pest and disease development through strengthened plant immunity and natural repellent properties.


Soil Fertility

Challenge -

Depleted nutrients affect soybean growth. Balancing soil health with nutrient needs is crucial for ensuring productive harvests.

Approach -

Our solutions enrich soil, improve nutrient availability, and microbial activity for robust soybean growth.


Climate Change

Challenge -

Rising temperatures and extreme weather events disrupt soybean growth cycles, necessitating adaptation strategies to ensure consistent yields.

Approach -

Our solutions foster resilient soybean plants better equipped to withstand temperature fluctuations and extreme weather, ensuring consistent yields despite changing conditions.

Our Solutions for Different Stages of Growth

  • Germination Stage of Soyabean Crop


    MagicGro BeejBal

    Enhances seedling germination capabilities, toughens seedlings by improving root density

  • Root Development Stage of Soybean Crop

    Root Development

    MagicGro DripSOL

    Improves vegetative growth, improves root density and plant vigour.

    MagicGro Tridhaatu

    Improves N,P,K use efficiency.

  • Pod Development Stage of Soyabean Crop

    Pod Development

    MagicGro Super

    Enhances branching, improves flowering and pod setting instead of initiates pod formation.

Our Solutions for Different Stages of Growth

Germination Stage of Soyabean Crop


MagicGro BeejBal

Enhances seedling germination capabilities, toughens seedlings by improving root density

Root Development Stage of Soybean Crop

Root Development

MagicGro DripSOL

Improves vegetative growth, improves root density and plant vigour.

MagicGro Tridhaatu

Improves N,P,K use efficiency.

Pod Development Stage of Soyabean Crop

Pod Development

MagicGro Super

Enhances branching, improves flowering and pod setting instead of initiates pod formation.

Pest and Disease Management in Soybean with our ActiShield Technology.

Trichoderma viride

Soybean root rot, Damping-off diseases, Fusarium wilt, Rhizoctonia solani infection

Trichoderma harzianum

Soybean root rot, Damping-off diseases, Fusarium wilt, Rhizoctonia solani infection

Lecanicillium lecanii

Whiteflies and Aphids (insects)

Metarhizium anisopliae

Beetles and Grasshoppers (Insects)

Beauveria bassiana

Beetles and Caterpillars (Insects)

Pseudomonas fluorescens

Seedborne pathogens, Root rot diseases, Damping-off diseases

Bacillus subtilis

Seedborne pathogens, Root rot diseases, Damping-off diseases

Paecilomyces lilacinus

Root knot nematodes, Reniform nematodes, Cyst nematode

Pochonia chlamydosporia

Root knot nematodes, Reniform nematodes

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