Organic Compost Maker for Home Organic Compost Maker for Home

Kitchen Waste

Kitchen Waste Compost Maker for Home

Transforming Food Waste into Sustainable Solutions

Despite advancements, a significant portion of the food produced globally ends up as waste, contributing to environmental degradation and resource wastage. Globally, one-third of all food produced for human consumption is wasted, amounting to about 1.3bn tonnes annually. Yet only a minuscule portion of this waste finds its way to composting sites. Shocking, right?

To combat this, Organica Biotech is on a mission to turn kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost, combating odors and pests, and nurturing greener, more sustainable lifestyles.

The Accumulation of Kitchen Waste Poses Several Challenges


Generation of toxic methane from landfilled waste


Unpleasant odors and pest infestations, including rodents


Environmental hazards due to improper garbage disposal practices

Organic Kitchen Waste Compost Make for Home - Soilmate from Organica Biotech

Transforming Kitchen Waste into Nutrient-Rich Compost

Composting kitchen waste is a great initiative to recycle food scraps for gardening and horticultural use. Soilmate is an excellent solution for degrading food waste of vegetable and animal origin. It not only helps get rid of odor and deter pests but also converts your food waste into nutrient-dense compost that is a gardener’s delight!

Success Story

Soilmate's Impact on Accelerating Household Composting

With the introduction of Soilmate, our composting process experienced a profound evolution. In a mere 20 days, household waste was fully composted, marking a remarkable 50% enhancement over conventional methods. Soilmate's efficacy surpassed all expectations, catalyzing a paradigm shift in our waste management strategy.


Soilmate Success Stories


I had a major problem with odor and flies but all my problems have been solved within a month! I’m very thrilled with the quick results!


Waxahachie, Texas

Soilmate is really good, we had difficulty composting meat scraps and dairy but we were able to use the odor-free compost pile within the month! Thank you!


Guadalajara, Mexico

I have been using your solution for 6 months, we are using as little as 10 KGS a month for composting within our neighborhood, Great pricing and performance!



Know More About Composting

  • In a natural environment, organic material is subjected to decomposition with the help of insects, worms, and microorganisms to break down into smaller materials and return back to earth in the form of nutrients.

    Composting is an accelerated decomposition of organic material in a controlled environment with the help of microorganisms and worms to obtain a nutrient-rich compost at the end of decomposition with various applications. It is a key tool that is used for better management of biodegradable waste in solid waste management.

  • Firstly, the composting process produces a nutrient-rich end product containing humus that can be used as a soil conditioner in agriculture, horticulture, and gardening improving the organic content of the soil and thus, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers.

    It improves the moisture-retaining capacity of the soil, preventing soil erosion due to rainfall. Composting reduces the load on local municipal bodies to transport and decompose organic material in already exhausted dumping grounds and helps in building a much more efficient solid waste management system.

    Composting completes the natural cycle where the organic material (that is generated from the earth), eventually returns back to earth in accelerated conditions, as is naturally intended.

  • Microbes are the ultimate mediators of biodegradable solid waste management on the planet. Their diversity makes them suitable for decomposing all types of organic waste.

    The composting process relies mainly on a diverse group of microorganisms that decompose organic materials such as kitchen waste, farm waste, garden waste, animal waste, dead animals, and plants.

    The microbes produce a wide range of enzymes that break down organic material and convert it to nutrient-rich humus, carbon dioxide, water, and heat. The humus thus produced is an excellent additive to the topsoil and helps boost its fertility.

  • In the process of composting, two classes of microorganisms contribute. The first set of microorganisms that grow between 20 to 35ºC is called mesophiles. Mesophiles perform the initial degradation and perform curing of compost in the final phase of the process.
    The mesophilic microbes grow and reproduce rapidly, producing heat during the initial phase, whereas, during the final phase of composting, they help in the maturation of degraded organic material.

    Between the initial and final composting phase, there is an increase in the core temperature of the composting mixture, known as a thermophilic phase, where temperature can rise up to 55 to 70ºC.

    This is caused due to rapid heat production in the initial phase of composting. Thermophiles can grow at such high temperatures and help in breaking down complex organic material.

    The high temperature helps in the killing of pathogens and weeds. Having a microbial ecosystem is key to ensuring composting is an efficient solid waste management process.

    Aerobic and Anaerobic Composting

  • Both techniques of composting have their pros and cons when it comes to organic solid waste management. Some key differences are as follows:

    • The aerobic process of composting utilizes microbes that require oxygen and aerated systems for composting. The aerobic conditions can be maintained via a variety of mechanisms, like turning the pile or organic material and adding vented pipes in a pile. The hardware required can range from simple bins to automated machinery.
    • Anaerobic systems include the use of anaerobic microbes and anaerobic conditions. The organic material added with anaerobic microorganisms is transferred in a pit and covered on top.
    • The material is allowed to decompose anaerobically by microbes over a long period of time without any mixing. This technique does not require any additional infrastructure or manual intervention.

  • The parameters that favor the growth of microorganisms and help degrade the organic material are required for ideal composting. Some of these parameters include:

    a) Particle size: A particle size of 2 to 5 cm provides a larger surface area for microbe and substrate interaction, causing faster degradation of the material.
    b) Moisture: Moisture content is an important factor that dictates microbial growth. Less moisture content slows down microbial growth, whereas high moisture content creates an anaerobic environment with the growth of undesirable microbes and the generation of a noxious odour.
    c) Aeration: a well aerated composting system helps in the faster degradation of complex organic molecules.
    d) C: N ratio: an optimum balance between carbon and nitrogen availability is essential for good microbial growth and proper degradation of organic material.

  • A curing period is the final stage in composting also known as the maturation period, where the composted material is stored in a slightly moist condition for a long duration of time.

    Curing occurs at mesophilic temperature as there is no heat production due to microbial activity. Uncured compost can have phytotoxins present in it and can be harmful when applied to plants, while the presence of high organic acid content could reduce the oxygen and nitrogen from the soil.

    A composting process for more efficient solid waste management must take into consideration the curing time for compost, as it requires both space and time to cure.

  • C: N ratio is described as the carbon to nitrogen ratio. It is the ratio of the mass of carbon to the mass of nitrogen in any substance. Microbes require carbon, nitrogen, potassium, sulfur, and other elements for their growth, maintenance, and reproduction.

    For every 8 units of carbon consumed by a microbe, it requires 1 unit of nitrogen. Some carbon used by microbes is used as an energy source, and some are lost as CO2 during respiration. Hence microbes require an optimal amount of available carbon and nitrogen ratio to perform their metabolic functions.

    An ideal C: N for microbes is found to be 24:1. If the C: N ratio is higher, microbes will not have enough nitrogen to consume all the carbon, resulting in incomplete decomposition, whereas a lesser C: N ratio will cause rapid utilization of carbon, generating ammonia from the excessive nitrogen in the system.

  • Any compost maker powder worth it’s salt must contain a mixture of mesophilic and thermophilic high enzyme-producing facultative microbes. One must note that, with even the best compost maker, it is still important to perfect your composting method as well.

  • A rotten egg smell is an indicator of a failing composting process. Due to high moisture in the composting mixture, it cuts off the oxygen making the system anaerobic (depleted of oxygen). Aerobic composting microbes require oxygen to carry out the composting process properly.

    A completely depleted oxygen environment causes certain bacteria to produce hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas in the system. H2S gas has a typical odor of rotten eggs.

    Your compost will not undergo the thermophilic phase of composting in this state. You can correct this by adding more dry waste, like dead leaves, coconut husk, etc., to reduce the moisture and aerate the mixture well.

  • During the process of making compost, the waste is broken down into humus, carbon dioxide, and water. The water released during the process mixes with a high concentration of nutrients produced during the process and carries it to the bottom of the bin.

    This brown liquid is known as leachate or ‘compost tea,’ and it can be used as fertilizer in diluted form. It is important that the leachate is let out during the composting process. If this does not happen, it could cause the composting mixture to turn anaerobic.

  • This is a positive sign of a good composting process. In the initial phase of composting, there is rapid microbial growth and reproduction of the mesophilic bacteria.

    This microbial activity leads to a rise in temperature where the temperature can reach from 55 to 70ºC. And also heating your compost bin in the process. This indicates an ideal composting process where the mesophilic phase is followed by the thermophilic phase.

    Can I try home composting in a simple bin? What are the different types of systems available for composting?


  • Depending on the type and volume of waste you generate at home, there are various systems available for composting. Even a simple bin can be used for composting, but it should allow the turning of piles and circulation of air.

    Some of the composting systems include:

    a) In-Vessel composting: Waste material and organic compost maker are added to a covered bin facilitated with a proper aeration or mixing system.
    b) Bokashi composting: It is an anaerobic home composting process where the waste and compost maker are added to the bin and allowed to pickle anaerobically for two weeks and then buried in the earth for further degradation.
    c) Vermicomposting: This composting process uses earthworms and microorganisms to convert organic waste into compost. It is a highly sensitive process where a change in temperature, pH, or moisture can affect the composting process.

  • Kitchen waste in any home composting system naturally attracts flies and other insects, so it requires added effort to control the continuous emergence of flies from the system.

    Make sure the system is enclosed, as an open system attracts the flies to lay eggs. Organic waste naturally contains eggs laid by worms and insects naturally associated with food waste.

    Ensure ideal conditions are maintained while making compost, as the increased temperature of the system during the thermophilic phase kills the eggs and larvae. Turning the pile at regular intervals aids the destruction of eggs and larvae.

  • There can be multiple reasons that your bin is not hot. The waste may contain a high amount of moisture, due to which the heat produced due to microbial activity is reduced.

    A smaller pile of waste material inside your bin can cause easy heat exchange between waste and air, not allowing the rise of temperature. It may also be because your home composting mixture does not have enough green matter, making it difficult for the microbes to degrade the waste owing to a suboptimal C: N ratio.

    The thermophilic phase starts after 3 to 4 days of initiating the home composting process and continues for a week to 10 days. You can experience reduced temperature when you observe the bin prior to or after the post-thermophilic phase.

  • The moisture content of the compost mix is a crucial factor when making compost at home. It is essential to maintain moisture content to 50 – 60 % to achieve good composting conditions.

    High moisture during home composting can lead to anaerobic conditions inside the bin. To counter the issue of high moisture, organic material with high moisture absorbing capacity, such as cocopeat, sawdust, chopped cardboard pieces, etc., can be added to the bin, which will help in the proper distribution of moisture.

  • A dry compost mix can lead to reduced microbial activity as microbes prefer a moist yet aerated for their growth. To compensate for the dryness, you can slowly add water or green waste to the compost mix until a balance is struck.

    You can use the hand-pressing process to understand the moisture content of the compost mix. Hold the compost mix in your hand and press it.

    Make sure that the material sticks to each other, but there is no water seepage upon pressing, or the mix doesn’t separate when you open your palm. Moisture is the most critical component while home composting, so regular monitoring is important.

  • No, it is not necessary to overturn your compost mix every day. The composting process produces heat due to microbial activity that breaks complex organic material, kills pathogens, and destroys harmful weeds.

    Overturning of compost mix every day will lead to heat loss and also requires manual labour. Turning after every 3 to 4 days will serve the purpose of agitation and aeration in a home composting process.


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