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Cleanmaxx® PnP

Cleanmaxx PnP

Precision formulated for Pulp & Paper Effluent - Cleanmaxx® PnP

Cleanmaxx® PnP by Organica Biotech is a revolutionary bioculture meticulously designed to amplify the biological treatment efficiency of effluents generated by the pulp and paper industry. With an unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship, Cleanmaxx® PnP presents a transformative approach to address the challenges associated with pollutant-rich wastewater from pulp and paper processes.

Key Features of Cleanmaxx® PnP

  • Efficient Lignocellulose Degradation

    Conventional methods often grapple with the intricate breakdown of lignocellulosic materials present in pulp and paper effluents. Cleanmaxx® PnP's innovative consortium of specialized microorganisms serves as a powerhouse, proficiently targeting and dismantling these compounds. This orchestrated breakdown significantly enhances organic matter degradation within the effluent, minimizing the burden on conventional treatment methods.

  • Improve Toxin Resilience

    Cleanmaxx® PNP contains microbes that are able to better withstand and thrive in the particularly toxic paper effluent. Such effluent may contain toxins such as Chlorinated Organic Compounds, Resin Acids as well as Furans & Dioxins.

  • Comprehensive COD/BOD Reduction

    The battle against excessive COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) levels in industrial effluents is of paramount importance. Cleanmaxx® PnP's dynamic microbial synergy is dedicated to accelerating the degradation of diverse organic pollutants. The result is a remarkable reduction in both COD and BOD levels, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards while fostering environmentally responsible practices.

  • Microbial Diversity

    Cleanmaxx® PnP is engineered with a diverse array of microorganisms, each contributing its unique prowess to the consortium. This diversity ensures resilience and adaptability to varying wastewater compositions, enhancing treatment efficacy across a spectrum of effluents from the pulp and paper sector.

  • Enhanced Nutrient Uptake

    Cleanmaxx® PnP's microbial consortium goes beyond pollutant degradation by enhancing nutrient uptake from the effluent. This dual action not only improves treatment efficiency but also contributes to minimizing the environmental impact of discharged effluents on receiving water bodies.

Unlock the potential of Cleanmaxx® PnP and embark on a journey where advanced biotechnology transforms wastewater treatment.

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