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Tazo Professional Kitchen Range


Advanced 360° Solutions for Fresh and Hygienic Indoor Utilities

Fats, oil and grease are the most major cause of blockages, odour issues in sinks, grease traps & plumbing. They are tough to degrade by nature and cause the emanation of noxious odour due to incomplete degradation.

Our advanced 360° grease cutting solutions are for FOG accumulators i.e. kitchen sinks and grease traps. Our solution for kitchen drain and grease traps are capable of eliminating the toughest of FOG residues, and help maintain fresh and hygienic indoor utilities.

Problems Faced in Grease Traps

Clogged drain

Clogged drain resulting overflowing water from sink

Municipalities levy

Municipalities levy fine for poor maintenance

Back flow from

Back flow from drain Chamber

Use a combination of these products for a pleasant Kitchen

Kitchen Drain Cleaner

Kitchen Drain Cleaner

Enzyme-based formulation degrades fats, oils and other organic deposits in kitchen drains.

Heavy Duty Degreaser

Heavy Duty Degreaser

Bioclean Septic Plus helps in degrading the food waste rich in fats and oils in the Grease Trap. Regular use helps in preventing the need for manual cleaning.

Dishwash Liquid

Dishwash Liquid

Bioclean Septic Plus helps in degrading the food waste rich in fats and oils in the Grease Trap. Regular use helps in preventing the need for manual cleaning.

Benefits of Tazo Kitchen Range


Controls the Spread of Diseases


Eco Friendly


Enzyme based


Eliminates odour at source


Prevents Clogging & Backflow


No Regular Expensive Pump-outs


Degrades All Types of Food Waste


Saves Labour Hours

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